
Why Sponsor?
Support our community as well as local organizations and get your brand noticed in the process.
We reach thousands with our monthly communications and our signature events regularly draw more than five hundred participants. See the benefits to a sponsorship with ATP.
Gain Industry Insight
Stay on top of industry news by seeing what your network is up to at a glance.
Support Local Organizations
Help preserve one-of-a-kind businesses with distinctive character.
Build Your Network
Build strong networks by linking your neighbors in a web of economic and social relationships.
Get Your Brand Out There
Create a unique experience that will start at the event and live beyond it.
In-person visits open doors for selling opportunities that emails miss out on.
A good idea discussion makes you so much more memorable than just a card.
Discounted Attendance
Discounted $15 Monthly Event member rate for all employees.
Brand Awareness
E-mail promotions to 3000+ members, Company logo, feature page and link on ATP website.
Additional Corporate Partner Benefits
The Corporate Partner package also includes recognition at all Monthly Events, co-presenter privileges, special events, exclusivity and more…
Twelve Months
ATP annual sponsorship recognition is based on a twelve-month rolling purchase total.
Rolling Calendar
A company will be recognized as an annual sponsor until the first of the month following the original purchase date, not the end of a calendar year!
More Buying Power
Additional purchases within that rolling twelve-month period may allow you to maintain or increase your annual sponsorship status and extend the expiration date.
It’s organizations like ATP that could be the difference maker in expanding our presence in the Atlanta market.
Hear Patrick’s Story
ATP Sponsorships
Highest Level Of Viability
Build Long-term Relationships
Introduce Your Company
Corporate Partners receive the highest level of viability with their consistent engagement throughout the year. We offer a combination of events and marketing to achieve maximum alignment with your brand. Get the most value with premier advertising, exclusivity options, and special events. Become a Corporate Partner by meeting the above spend threshold from our Signature and Monthly Events.
These annual packages are designed for local companies and representatives. These options are best to introduce your company, products, and services to our group and build long-term relationships with potential customers. Become a Platinum or Gold Sponsor by meeting the spend thresholds from our Signature and Monthly Events.

Get a Custom Sponsorship Package Today
Reach out to sponsorship@atpconnect.org for more information.